Animated gif of Pathify's Digital ID showing the ID for Gunterdorf College student, Stew Dent. Including vaccination status and library pass.

Digital Wallet offers institutions a mobile-first solution for students to utilize their ID through the Pathify app. This allows access to events, purchasing food, tracking vaccination statuses and more.

Like it or not, physical wallets are becoming obsolete – especially for Generation Z. As mobile payment and keyless access apps become more prevalent in students’ everyday lives, their willingness to carry multiple cards is declining rapidly. 

Students want to have everything at the convenience of their mobile device. It’s more convenient and easier to keep track of than a bunch of cards that are easy to lose. 

Pathify is thrilled to offer a solution for institutions that no longer want to deal with droves of students who forget their ID cards. Digital Wallet enables students to purchase meals, check in for events and access the library straight from their smartphone.

How Digital Wallet Benefits Institutions

Digital Wallet offers institutions a mobile-first solution for students to utilize their ID through the Pathify app. This allows them access to events and the ability to purchase food through their meal plan (among many things!).

It prevents users from forgetting to bring a physical card and integrates with any system that utilizes bar or QR codes. With Digital Wallet, students no longer need to carry a physical card with them so there’s no risk of them losing their IDs or being misused by other students. 

Key Features

ID Information – Digital Wallet holds the user’s school ID number and an institution-approved ID photo. With one less thing to remember, Digital Wallet becomes an incredible hook driving portal adoption and engagement.

Vaccination status – Admins can add a student’s COVID-19 vaccination status to their cards to track various activities requiring vaccination compliance.

Event check-in – Users scan a bar code for events directly within the platform.

Library access – If an institution’s library card differs from the student ID, Digital ID allows the institution to merge the two cards in a single view.

Meal plan – Digital Wallet ties seamlessly with a student’s existing meal plan so they can access the dining hall while simplifying meal plan management.